Donald Trump unaccountably blamed DEI for the catastrophic plane crash in Washington, D.C. -- a claim that was “baseless†and “without evidence,†as noted a very reasonable 1 million times by the media. Nonetheless, the usual disinformation merchants took up Trump's smear, yipping with joy when it came out that the pilot of the Black Hawk helicopter was a woman. (Imagine, dying in the line of duty -- and for just 70% of what her male counterparts were being paid!)
The family bravely refused to release her name, knowing that trolls were ready to pounce with questions about her “competence.†But then they relented and we found out that the pilot was Capt. Rebecca Lobach -- who, by the way, was in the top 20% of Army ROTC cadets in the ENTIRE country! The Daily Beast reported that her Army career was “brilliant,†as did a friend in ROTC training with her at college. Sabrina Bell (another friend), said Lobach was “meticulous in everything she did.â€
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