Feb. 21 was a celebration as A Fern and a Feather General Store in Ringgold sold its 1,000th copy of McCracken Poston's book, “Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom." From left: Babbs Bell, original owner of the store; Patti Smith, current owner of the store; Nancy Hinshaw, who purchased the store's 1,000th copy of the book; author McCracken Poston; Alfred Hinshaw; Rodger Hinshaw.
Feb. 21 was a celebration as A Fern and a Feather General Store in Ringgold sold its 1,000th copy of McCracken Poston's book, “Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom." From left: Babbs Bell, original owner of the store; Patti Smith, current owner of the store; Nancy Hinshaw, who purchased the store's 1,000th copy of the book; author McCracken Poston; Alfred Hinshaw; Rodger Hinshaw.
McCracken Postonӽ紫ý book, “Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom,” turned one year old on Feb. 20. As if on cue, the next day, a little store in Ringgold sold its 1,000th copy of the book.
“Zenith Man” tells the true tale of the murder trial of Alvin Ridley and attorney McCracken Postonӽ紫ý successful and adventuress defense of Ridley against all odds.
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